Pics, Puns and a Post

Pics, Puns and a Post
From Fall 2023 garden

May 2024

A fun newsletter where you can read, write and maybe even learn some stuff!

I am Norm Valentine from Minnesota, and this is my PPP newsletter.  Each issue will contain a brief series of photos that I or others have taken, a few puns (which I know everybody loves) and a post, usually a story written by me or a family member or other subscriber, possibly you (contact me at if you want to be a contributor).  In addition, there will usually be some bonus features such as original music, videos, poems, promotions, my web site, etc. I hope you enjoy it.

Also, in this issue, there will be information regarding efforts to involve all subscribers in the content production (stories, poems, songs, etc.). And I will be suggesting the first of other writing projects that you can be involved with which I and my family call Titlewriting.

In a later issue I will introduce The Lester Project, a different idea for encouraging writing by subscribers.

So, if you always wanted to write, you will be offered several platforms in which you can participate.



Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, 'I've lost my electron.' The other says, 'Are you sure?'
The first replies, 'Yes, I'm positive.'

When is it impossible to plant flowers? When you haven’t botany…

How do you get 100 math teachers into a room that only fits 99?

You carry the one…

A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

All lovely as usual!

and a Post

This post, unlike most of my posts, will discuss some of the purposes of creating this newsletter.

Three years ago, my family and I tried a writing experiment. We called it Titlewriting. The idea was for as many of our group who were interested to write a short story around the title prompt of The Cowboy Who Learned to Read. This was a title I had used years before for a writing class. We set our deadline for a time around Christmas when we would all be together during which we read and discussed the stories.

This worked very well, and many participants enjoyed writing fiction for the first time. Also, much of the material was very well written. And we were surprised how different the stories were. Everyone had different ideas about what the title meant. We continued with a different title last Christmas.

This was so much fun for all of us that we decided a lot of people might like to do this. That is where you come in.

We would like to offer all subscribers a chance to try this. Just write a short story to the prompt: The Cowboy Who Learned to Read. Whatever that suggests to you, write it. Only caveat is that you need to keep the story decent. Send it to me at I or an editor will read your story and will send you a gentle review.

Bonus Material

Presenting Baggy in the House


My (Your) favorite things

One other thing I would like you to do is to send me a short list of your favorite songs of all time along with the artist's name. I will compile and summarize a list of these is a future issue. I will ask for other favorites over time like movies, TV shows, etc. Add other favorites items we could track if you think of some.

This is the end of this issue. I hope it was fun and that you will continue to enjoy it. Let me know if you want to contribute something. Or if you have any comments. If so, contact me at

Also, if you have friends that might be interested in receiving this, send me their email address, and I will send them an invitation.

Also, visit my website. There will be copies of all the newsletters there as well as some links to other things of interest. Website is

Thanks for subscribing!

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Jamie Larson